Three scientifically proven tips for weight loss
Now researchers in the United States say they found three basic steps to do this: keep a diary of all the food you eat, do not skip any food and avoid eating in restaurants, particularly during lunch.
Scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center came to that conclusion after studying a group of overweight or obese women who were on a diet for a year.
The results published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that those who followed these three tips - and in particular those who kept a food diary - were the ones who managed to lose more weight.
As Dr. Anne McTiernan, who led the study, said, "this is the first time we measure the impact of a series of self-control behaviors on body weight."
"As far as weight loss is concerned, evidence from randomized controlled trials comparing different diets has found that restricting total calories is more important than diet composition, such as low-fat diets or Low in calories ".
"Therefore," the researcher adds, "the specific objective of our research was to identify behaviors that support that global goal of restricting calories."
Honesty and precision
To find out what behaviors could help this goal, a record of 123 obese or overweight women between the ages of 50 and 75 was kept for a year. All participants had a sedentary lifestyle.
For the study they were randomly divided into two groups: one would follow a calorie restriction diet for one year and the other group would follow the calorie restriction diet along with an exercise routine.
They were also given a number of basic tips to achieve their weight loss.
In particular, they were advised to fill in their food diaries to be honest and record everything they ate, to have accurate and recorded portions, to complete food preparation details, and to be consistent, that is, to always keep their notebook To record their consumption.
The results, at the end of 12 months, showed that participants had lost on average 11% of the body weight they had at the start, about 8.6 kilos.
Most had followed diets of between 1,200 and 2,000 calories a day.
But those who managed to lose weight were those who kept a food diary.
These lost an average of 2.7 kilos more than those who did not carry newspapers.
Those who said they missed meals lost 3.6 kilos less than those who did not skip them.
No restaurants
Those who went out to eat at restaurants at least once a week also lost less weight: about 2.2 kilos more than those who did not go out, especially during lunch.
As Dr. McTiernan puts it, "a food journal is one of the easiest ways to keep track of what we are eating."
"If you write it, it seems more real. If you do not write it, it is easy to pretend and deceive yourself that you have not eaten so much," he adds.
As for skipping meals, researchers believe that this causes the individual to "respond more favorably to high-calorie foods and thus end up eating more."
The conclusion, says Dr. McTiernan, "is that for those who are trying to lose weight the main advice, based on this study, is to keep a food diary to help meet their daily consumption goal."
Helpful Diet Tips for Weight Loss
There are many diet tips for weight loss that can be found in various sources like the internet or magazines. The key is finding the best tips that are easy to follow and do not involve anything extreme. Avoid quick-fix plans that offer instant results as these are more likely to harm you in the end. Even when you are on a good diet plan, sticking to it is very difficult and it will require a lot of will power on your part. You should bear in mind that weight loss is a slow and steady process therefore you should not get discouraged easily.
There are small but very effective changes that you can make to your diet that will eventually help you lose weight as required. What you need to do is to have a plan that gives you a variety of enjoyable choices. Avoid the common mistakes made by many people on a diet and learn how to eat healthy food always. Keep in mind that if you eat more calories than you are burning then you will gain weight. Therefore if you start consuming less calorie than you are burning then you will definitely shed weight.
When you decide to follow any diet tips for weight loss, you should know that the whole process requires a change of lifestyle and not just a short-term diet. There are quick diets that can help you shed some weight but a long-term change in lifestyle and food choices is necessary. Another important step in losing weight involves you having a support group with other like-minded individuals. You can also get support from family and friends so as to help you. Sticking to a new weight loss diet is not easy and the support of these people can be very helpful.
When you are trying to lose weight through a diet, you should keep in mind that moderation is the key. Do not choose diets that cut out entire food groups. Your body needs food of all types, including fats and carbohydrates as long as you take them in moderate quantities. Make sure you always eat a well-rounded diet that gives you all types of nutrients. Even after losing a certain amount of weight the way you wanted, you still need to watch what you eat since you are more likely to gain the weight faster than it took to lose it.
Even when you are on a diet and you yield into temptation, do not feel discouraged. An occasional slip up will not wipe out your efforts entirely so you should go on with the plan. Be careful not to lose money buying all those weight losing supplements you see being advertised on television or the internet. Most of them don't give the results promised in the adverts so you are better off channeling your money elsewhere. The best diet tips for weight loss require a lot of hard work and commitment and are usually long-term in nature.
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